

SonoCiné AWBUS


The Most Innovative Imaging Method in Breast Breast.

The SonoCiné AWBUS system was invented and designed by a radiologist with more than 35 years of breast imaging experience to provide a complementary exam to mammography for women with inconclusive mammograms, specifically for women with dense breast tissue.

The patented technology integrates with commercially available ultrasound scanners to provide a complete, reproducible and fully documented systematic breast examination.

How does it work?

SonoCiné AWBUS performs a uniform and repeatable scan of the entire breast, using a robotic arm with 3-axis transducer support and a positioning gantry with angle sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopic motion control, to provide examinations that are tailored to the individual size and shape of each woman’s breasts and allows the fastest possible recording of thousands of accurate, equally spaced images across the entire breast.

The SonoCiné AWBUS articulating arm provides complete coverage of the breast (axilla / lymph nodes) while allowing the operator to adjust the angle and pressure of the transducer. The image data is recorded by an operator (sonographer or medical technician) for later review by the radiologist.

The images produced have the same appearance as the 2D manual scan images and the examination time is approximately 7 minutes per breast (depending on the size of the breasts). The study reading time is between 4 and 6 minutes.

SonoCiné AWBUS includes full DICOM/PACS connectivity and can be integrated into your usual way of working.

SonoCiné AWBUS Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound System

It is a breast imaging technology that is configured with an existing ultrasound system and does not require a room with special requirements.

SonoCiné and its parts

Patient Preparation

SonoCiné AWBUS has developed a patented camisole that fits like a sports bra, holds the breasts in place and provides a sense of privacy. A patented hydrogel nipple pad enhances patient comfort and improves imaging of the nipple region.

Patient Examination

Similar to a handheld ultrasound, the woman lies on her back while the scan rows are captured sequentially from below the clavicle to the lower margin of the breast. This process, including preparation, examination and room rotation, takes less than 30 minutes and can be scheduled.
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Interpretation of The Results

The SonoCiné AWBUS exam is recorded as a video, to which the physician can then give full attention in a distraction-free environment. This screening method has been shown to increase detection of cancers as small as 3-5 mm to 10 mm in size.

SonoCiné AWBUS = Sound Film.

How does it work?

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