
Take Your Early Detection Assesment with Sonoscreening


Breast Health

Despite an annual expenditure of $7.8 billion on screening mammograms in the United States, more than 40,000 women die from breast cancer each year. Invasive breast cancer is the leading cause of death in this country for women between the ages of 35-54. According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2010, the cost of treating breast cancer was approximately $16.5 billion in the United States, higher than any other type of cancer.

What Is Breast Density?

Breast density is a measurement used to describe the proportion of different tissues that make up a woman’s breasts. Breast density is not a measure of how the breasts look or feel, but rather how the breasts look on a mammogram.

Breast density is usually revealed through a mammogram. Cancers on a mammogram of a fatty breast appear white over the dark fatty breast tissue. On a mammogram of dense breasts, both cancer and the dense breast tissue appear white, making it difficult to identify the cancer. SonoCiné AWBUS technology solves this problem.

For young women around the world, especially those under the age of 45, breast cancer is a serious and life-altering issue. So being well informed is vital.

The Examination

You lie on your back and the SonoCiné AWBUS system sequentially scans your breasts in rows from below the clavicle to the lower margin of the breasts, including evaluation of the axillary and intermammary regions, in the same scanning time.

The entire process takes less than 30 minutes, including an explanation of the procedure, preparation, scanning, and dressing. Watch the exam video for more information.

Statistics on Breast Cancer

Statistics on Breast Cancer in Men

Breast cancer is a rare disease (less than 1% of all breast cancer cases occur in men), which is why few cases can be investigated. It occurs most frequently among men between 60 and 70 years of age.

It should be noted that after a diagnosis of breast cancer, men are more likely to die than women, particularly during the first 5 years after diagnosis, this is due to the fact that generally in this population the diagnosis is made in late stages since there are no screening protocols for men, another reason may be due to insufficient treatment.

With the SonoCiné AWBUS system, the evaluation of the male breast is facilitated, since it is a comfortable method for the patient, it does not require compression (unlike mammography) and the use of the patented nipple pad allows the evaluation of the retro areolar area without artifacts. 

How Does Sonociné Awbus Work for Women With Implants?

What Convinced You to Use Sonociné Awbus as a Screening Method?

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